Skin aging |
The older we get, the more our skin starts to show its age and we get wrinkles. It’s part of life, right? Yes, but there are ways to slow down the process. If you’re willing to take some healthy lifestyle steps now, your skin will look a lot better when you get older. Let’s take a look at some of the things you can do to prevent your skin from sagging and looking unhealthy prematurely.
Keep in mind that aging is a normal process, and skin will sag to some degree as you get older. This is because it loses elasticity over time and gravity starts to win. The areas around the eyes and mouth begin to develop deeper lines, and over time the entire face can begin to sag. More blemishes are also a common experience for many people as they get older. And you thought you were done with pimples after high school? Rosacea, reddened blotches with visible tiny red blood vessels on the face, can begin to show up for some as they get older.
Many people don’t take care of their skin through the years and resort to cosmetic surgery to try to get rid of the signs of aging. Some of these methods work and some don’t but really, it’s better to try to prevent or slow down the problems in the first place.
First, try to protect your skin from temperature extremes. Very hot or cold conditions will dry it and cause it to look older. If you live in a dry climate, your forced-air heating can really dry your skin. If this is the case, a humidifier in your home is a must.
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